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Media watchdog criticises Angolan president LUANDA, May 3 (Reuters) - Angolan President Jose Eduardo dos Santos has joined several other African leaders on a list of media enemies issued on Thursday by a watchdog group marking World Press Freedom Day. "Authoritarian and feared within his own party, Dos Santos doesn't take criticism well," the Paris-based Reporters Without Borders (RSF) said in a statement distributed in Luanda. "A law on the press is now under discussion (in Angola) providing for long prison sentences for criticising government policies," the statement added. The RSF's list of African media enemies includes Democratic Republic of Congo President Joseph Kabila, Equatorial Guinea President Teodoro Obiang Nguema, Ethiopia Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and Rwanda President Paul Kagame. In late March several Portuguese journalists were expelled from Cabinda where the Angolan military was attempting to flush out insurgents holding seven Portuguese hostages. Local journalists say the government gives some leeway to the media in Luanda but is more repressive in the provinces as it continues to fight a 26-year civil war against rebels led by Jonas Savimbi and a separate faction in northern Cabinda. |
Última actualização/Last update 07-05-2001 |